BD Diesel Performance BD Diesel Performance is unique among its peers. Design, creation, manufacturing, re-manufacturing and distribution of a wide range of products specifically engineered for performance Diesel powered applications all done in house. Located in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, BD Diesel Performance Cummins Cp3 Fuel Pumps BD’s High Performance CP3 (HPCP3) Injection Pump with up to a 72 % increase in capacity / displacement delivers enough fuel to support up to 700hp while maintaining 24,000psi of rail pressure. BD Diesel Performance Cummins Fuel Injectors Each injectors flow is matched within in a 1% parameter resulting in a smooth running engine throughout the engine RPM – injector return flow that effects engine starting hot or cold is held tight within Bosch specification. Looking for power and don't know where to start BD Diesel is the place. Toxic Diesel Is an Authorized Dealer ...
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