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Showing posts from November, 2016

How To Remove a Duramax Water Pump

Duramax Water Pump  Good socket set with atleast 30 inches of 3/8 extensions for starter bolts swivel extensions and  u joint   extensions. Ratcheting flex head wrenches make life easier in tight areas. 10,12,14 mm sockets both regular and deep 15mm 3/8" socket for the starter 12mm wrench screwdriver, retaining pin pliers or wire nippers, 90 degree  needle nose pliers . Something to protect  Radiator   from damage, wood cardboard, sheet metal. something gotta be there. fan clutch   removal tool from  autoparts   store, I used the 1-7/8 flat wrench and 90 degree  needle nose pliers   to remove  fan clutch 3/4 drive breaker with big *** cheater bar and a 12pt 36mm or 1-7/16(36.5m) 3/4 drive socket torque wrench   that can do at least 260ftlbs. one short half inch extension, really only need a 5 inch one. large bucket or pan for coolant. something to stand on work off of, its going to be a l...

Industrial Injection Duramax Girdle

Industrial Injection Diesel Performance Duramax  reinforced girdle for your performance engine, cut and ready to installed perfect for your project, from racing to tractor pulling. This is by far the product for you. 2010.5-2016 Duramax girdle kit with XXL studs. PDM-06037 LML 14mm .500 thick. Core charge on the upper oil pan $150.00 Core charge is added to part price, we will credit the core charge back when we receive the old upper oil pan. price at $1157.00  Industrial Injection Duramax Girdle  Toxic Diesel Performance 435-628-5544